jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012


De mi ultima participacion en viena aqui os dejo el link promocional del evento.
Muchas gracias por permitirme participar a Soundframe & Mediaopera, y a Resolume por el premio.
Ha sido una buena experiencia, que me ha dejado con ganas de participar en otros eventos de este tipo.

From my last participation in Vienna here I leave the link promotional event.
Thank you very much for allowing me to participate SoundFrame & Mediaopera, and resolume for the award.
It was a good experience that left me wanting to participate in other events of this type.

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

How to do videomapping : Nice Work from LUCAN VISUALS

Un Gran trabajo de Lucan Visuals, realmente uno de los videomappings que mas me ha impresionado de todos los que he visto ultimamente que no son pocos...

A great work of Lucan Visuals, truly one of the videomappings that impressed me most of all've seen, that there are many...

More info at :


El videomapping se lleva usando desde hace mucho tiempo, antaño cuando no existian los programas tipo madmapper, irmapio, o bien el propio resolume arena, o modul 8, los mappings los haciamos con png's sobre los cuales montabamos el video, en la actualidad aunque la tecnica siga siendo valido, cualquiera de los programas anteriormente mencionados, nos permiten realizar esto mismo en un tiempo muchisimo menor, lo cual mejora muchos los tiempos y costes.

Como en cualquier tipo de trabajo visual, es fundamental utilizar proyectores adecuados, de igual forma que es fundamental proyectar en superficies adecuadas, ya que cualquier error de este tipo puede dar con un resultado no muy vistoso o apagado.

The videomapping has been using for a long time, long ago when there were noprograms like madmapper, irmapio or own resolume sand, or modul 8, the videomappings were did it with png's over there we mount the video , now those techniques remains valid, but, any of the above programs, we allow this in a while a lot lower, which improves many times and costs.

As with any type of visual work, is essential to use appropriate projectors, just as it is essential to project on suitable surfaces, since any such error can come up with a result not very attractive..

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


The Fastest Way to Warp a Track in Ableton Live

Ableton's Warping functionality lets you easily timestretch tracks for beatmatching, mash-ups and sampling.
  1. Drag an audio file (wav, aiff, mp3) into Live, from Live's Browser, directly from iTunes or from your desktop.
    Live will attempt to auto-warp the file. If Live gets it right, you're done.
    However, if you want to "tighten up" the warping, or if Live did not get it right, follow the next steps:
  2. Double-click on the clip.
    The clip's waveform will now be visible below. To launch the clip click the yellow triangle.
    Now, you need to find the first beat, or the "one." Zoom-in to the area where you are hearing the "one" using the magnifying glass above the audio file.
  3. If the first beat is wrong, double-click on the transient above the "one" to create a yellow Warp Marker (you can double-click on a Warp Marker to remove one as well).
  4. Right-click (PC) or Ctrl + click (Mac) on that Warp Marker, and select "Set 1.1.1 here."
  5. Now, right-click (PC) or Ctrl + click (Mac) again and select "Warp From Here."
    Live generally gets it right at this point. You can turn on the metronome to hear that the track is warped correctly throughout.
  6. Next, turn on the clip's Loop button:
  7. Set the Length to 4 Measures:
  8. Set the position to 1.1.1.
    Now we hear a four-bar loop. (You can click on the word "Length" to zoom in to that loop.) You can click and drag in the tempo field to change the tempo of your loop.
    You may want to play with the warp modes for better sound. Complex or Complex Pro are best for mixed-down songs. Use Beats for drums, and Tones for instruments like guitar, vocals, piano, and so on.
    To check the rest of the track and make sure that it is correctly warped, click on the loop bracket, and use the arrow up and arrow down keys to move through the rest of the song. Add, adjust or get rid of Warp Markers as necessary.



Make connections. Make things happen.

Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called ‘objects’ – visual boxes that contain tiny programs to do something specific. Each object does something different. Some make noises, some make video effects, others just do simple calculations or make decisions. In Max you add objects to a visual canvas and connect them together with patchcords. You can use as many as you like. By combining objects, you create interactive and unique software without ever writing any code (you can do that too if you really want to). Just connect.

Objects that Connect

With native support for a wide variety of controllers and devices, Max lets you connect anything together.
  • Add live camera or audio input to create an immersive and interactive experience.
  • Attach sensors to your Max using Arduino, Eobody or other devices.
  • Plug in MIDI devices and USB gaming controllers to control things exactly the way you want to.
  • Combine a variety of devices and software together using MIDI, serial communication, or network protocols like OpenSoundControl to create hybrid systems.
  • Collaborate using OpenSoundControl across a local network with other computers or OSC-enabled mobile apps.


Documentacion imprescindible antes de nada:


Max for Live Resolume Patches

Checkout this new set of Max for Live patches that allow you to control Resolume from Ableton Live without requiring any tedious MIDI mapping. You can trigger clips and control parameters so once it's all set up all you have to do is concentrate on your music and effects in Live and Resolume will just follow.

Clip Launcher
This is a simple way to connect clips in Live to clips in Resolume. Simply drop it on a track in Live, and it will trigger clips in Resolume when you trigger clips in Live automatically. It corresponds exactly, so clip 1 in track 1 in Live connects to clip 1 in layer 1 in Resolume, clip 2 to clip 2 etc.

Parameter Forwarder
Dropping this guy behind an effect in an effect chain, will allow you to forward parameter information to Resolume. You can choose which parameter you want to forward from a dropdown, and send it to any parameter in Resolume by entering the OSC address.

Resolume Dispatcher
The Dispatcher connects the Clip Launcher and Parameter Forwarder to Resolume. You always need to have an active Dispatcher in order to communicate between Live and Resolume (but you canʼt have more than one).

Download the patches and instructions PDF:

Thanks to Mattijs Kneppers from Arttech.nl for creating these handy patches!